Who to Contact about
Contacts by Topic
I need to talk to someone about...
Who do I contact?
Assistance with *counseling services *court /custody/visitation navigation *domestic violence *interventions *food, *housing/energy *parenting resources *substance abuse treatment
Alicia Kennedy - alkennedy@ccps.org
Attendance and Dismissal Changes
Charlotte Isaacs - cisaacs@ccsp.org
Enrollment Questions / New Students
Enrollment During Summer Months
Cheryl Gasdia - cgasdia@ccps.org How to Enroll - Enrollment Questions
Chris Finchm - cfincham@ccps.org
After School Care
Boys and Girls Club - 410.920.7763 (not a CCPS organization)
Cafeteria accounts
Erika Barker - enbarker@ccps.org
Car Rider Tag
Charlotte Isaacs- cisaacs@ccps.org
Child Find
CCPS (for general information) Sarah Mangold (Child Find contact at NEES) smmangold@ccps.org
Christmas Help
Alicia Kennedy - alkennedy@ccps.org
School Counseling @ NEES
Alicia Kennedy - alkennedy@ccps.org
Dismissal Changes (Email all 3)
Cheryl Gasdia - cgasdia@ccps.org Charlotte Isaacs - cisaacs@ccps.org Chris Fincham - cfincham@ccps.org |
Distribution of Flyers / Information / Materials
Enrollment |
Cheryl Gasdia - cgasdia@ccps.org
Facility Use Registration
**If already registered with CCPS and interested in using the NEES building
**Chris Fincham - cfincham@ccps.org |
Grading and Reporting Policy
Medication & Vaccinations
Maddy Rupp - smrupp@ccps.org
School Supply Help
Alicia Kennedy - alkennedy@ccps.org
Summer Camp applications
Summer Camp once admitted (Not a CCPS organization)
Alicia Kennedy - alkennedy@ccps.org
Special Education at NEES
Sarah Mangold - smmangold@ccps.org
Terrence Murgallis - tlmurgallis@ccps.org
Transportation |
Krystal Pugh - kpugh@ccps.org